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All About Playing The Trombone
A Guide to Playing the Trombone Many people have found great pleasure in learning to play the trombone. The trombone is one of the wind instruments that is also in the brass family. You blow into the instrument to create the desirable sound that you are looking for. You use a slide to create different pitches of the sound that you are making. It is very similar to a trumpet, but also has a... Continue Reading

On Track Music Instruction

6233 Highland Drive
Salt Lake City, UT
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(801) 272-7917
(801) 272-0114

Our preferred brands include bass and ibanez. Our specialties include amp'd rock band program, beginner to professional all types & styles , customized instruction, electric classical, git graduate, guitar lessons, guitar lessons for beginners to pros , over 30 yrs experience, private & group instruction and private group & rock ban instruction. We can assist you with acoustic, amp'd rock band program, author video artist, bass, beginner to professional all types & styles , classical, electric, exciting performance opportunities , guitar lessons, guitar lessons for beginners to pro's , private & group instruction, private group & rock band instruction , private group & rock bank instruction and specializing in guitar. We've been in business since 1976. The right way to learn to play, two convenient.


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