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All About Playing The Trombone
A Guide to Playing the Trombone Many people have found great pleasure in learning to play the trombone. The trombone is one of the wind instruments that is also in the brass family. You blow into the instrument to create the desirable sound that you are looking for. You use a slide to create different pitches of the sound that you are making. It is very similar to a trumpet, but also has a... Continue Reading

Music Place That

277 West Central Avenue
Springboro, OH
Get Directions

(937) 748-3501

We accept layaway available and others for payment. Our preferred brands include cakamine, classic, gretsch, kenner, kindermusik, kindermusik : 0 to 7 years, leblanc, others, ovation, peavey, peavy, randall, takamine, washburn and washburn guitars. Our specialties include accessories, age & to adult, amplifiers & tubes, amps, band instruments, drums, guitars, guitars & basses, instrument, keyboard, keyboards, keyboards pianos, kin ermusik 0 to 7 years, kindermusik-newborn-7, lessons, music lessons, musical instruments, rentals, sheet music, supplies and voice lessons. We can assist you with (newborn to 7 yrs), accessories, accessories & supplies, acoustic, age 7 to adult, ages 6 to adult, all band instruments, amps, and rental, call to attend, call to attend a free class, child size guitars, children program, classic, drums, electric, gift cards available, guitar & bass, guitar sales & instruction, guitars amps, guitars electric acoustic, instrument rental, sales, service & instructions , instrument rentals, instrument sales, instrument sales & rental, instruments and supplies at $$'s you can afford , instruments and supplies at $$s you can afford , keyboard pianos, keyboards, keybords pianos, kindermusik, kindermusik premier music & movement , layaway available, lessons, lessons (instrument & voice), music lessons, musical instruments, name brand instruments, newborn to 6 years old, newborn to 7 years, others, piano, premier music & movement, private lessons, private music lessans ages 5 - adult , program for children, repair, repair & service, repairs, sales, repair, rental & instruction , sheet music, sheet music & books, sheet music and books, viola, violin, vocal and instrumental, voice, voice & instrumental, welcoming newborn to age 7, your place for instruments accessories, and instruction , your place for instruments, accessories and instruction , your place for instruments, accessories, & instruction , your place for instruments, accessories and and instruction. Music to her ears, call to attend free class newborn to 7 years.


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