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From Our Blog:
A Guide To Playing The Drums
If you have ever considered playing the drums, but were just not sure how to get started with it, then you may want to follow this guide. Learning to play the drums is not as easy as it seems, in fact there is a lot of detail that goes into it. It is not just a matter of beating on the drums. You have to play with a rhythm, instead of just senseless beating. If you have natural rhythm, you... Continue Reading

Bob's Music

1206 W Robb Avenue
Lima, OH
Get Directions

(419) 224-7440
Our specialties include band instruments, blue grass, drums, epiphone, equipment, esp, fender, gibson, gibson epiphone, guild, guitars, keyboards, lessons, mandolins, mapex drums, new & used guitars, new & used guitars amps, new & used guitars amps pa equipment , ovation, pa, pa equipment, supplies, tacoma and takamine. Our preferred brands include epiphone, esp, fender, gibson, gibson epiphone, guild, kenner, mapex drums, ovation, tacoma, takamine and takamine mesa boogie & more. We can assist you with amps, band instruments, banjos, blue grass, drums, equipment, guitars, keyboards, lessons, mandolins, new & used guitars, new & used guitars amps, p.a equip, p.a. equip, p.a. equipment, psalm 150:6, sales lessons repairs and supplies. P a, fendor, much more. Open for business mon-sat.


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