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All About Playing The Trombone
A Guide to Playing the Trombone Many people have found great pleasure in learning to play the trombone. The trombone is one of the wind instruments that is also in the brass family. You blow into the instrument to create the desirable sound that you are looking for. You use a slide to create different pitches of the sound that you are making. It is very similar to a trumpet, but also has a... Continue Reading

Carpenter's Music World

6015 S Virginia Apte Street
Reno, NV

(775) 852-7618

Financing available. We accept financing available for payment. Our preferred brands include baldwin, bluthner, breedlove, breedlove guitars, g & l, haessler, irmler, kawai, kurzweil, laney, mason & hamlin, orange amps, pramberger, ritmuller, steinway, taye drums, warwick, yamaha and young chang. Our specialties include baldwin, bluthner, for the love of music, keyboards, laney, lessons, mason & hamlin, music lessons for all ages, musical instruments retail, orange, pianos, pianos tuning moving rebuilding storage , rebuilding storage, rentals, repairs & lessons, restoration, sales, sell, sheet music, tuning moving, unlock your music potential, unlock your musical potential, warwick and young chang. We can assist you with academy of music, acoustic guitars, all kinds of instruments and vocal , amps, appraisals, drums, drums pianos, electric guitars, electronic instruments, family owned & operated, financing available, for the love of music, keyboards, lessons, most major brands, music lessons, music lessons for all ages, new & used, orange, orchestral instruments, percussion, pianos & organs, pianos tuning moving rebuilding storage , rebuilding storage, rentals, rentals lessons sheet music service , repair & restoration, sales, sales, rentals & service, sheet music, stringed instruments, tuning, tuning moving, unlock your music potential and unlock your musical potential. We've been in business since 1967. Music world, unlock your music potential, irmler, tuning moving, rebuilding storage, new & used, family owned & operated.


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