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From Our Blog:
Learning On A Trumpet
Many people love playing the trumpet, and there are even more people that wish that they knew how to play. When you are considering learning to play, you may want to keep a few things in mind. First of all, you need to learn how to actually make the trumpet produce sound. Once you understand this concept, you will want to learn how to play actual notes on it. You may feel that you already... Continue Reading

Meyer Music

1512 Highway 40
Kansas City, MO
Get Directions

(816) 228-5656

Our specialties include band & orchestra, band & orchestra instruments, band instrument, band instrument repairs, band instruments, cannonball saxophones, grand piano showroom, guitars & basses, guitars & drums, kawai digital pianos, large selection sheet music, main showroom, making music makes you smarter, musical gift items, nice used pianos, pearl river, private lessons, samick, samick pianos and selmer. Authorized band & orchestra dealer. We accept american express, discover, master card, mastercard and visa for payment. Our preferred brands include armstrong, bach, buffet, c g conni, cannonball, cannonball saxophones, cannonball., cg conn, clasen, gemeinhardt, glaesel, grand piano showroom, kaw, kawai, kawai digital pianos, kawai pianos, kawai samick pearl river, king, leblanc, ludwid, ludwig, ludwing, luowig, pearl, pearl river pianos, pearl., samick, samick pianos, scherl & roth, selmer and yamaha. We can assist you with band instrument repairs, band instruments repairs, buffet, grand pianos, guitars, guitars & drums, large selection sheet music, musical gift items, nice used pianos, orchestra instrument repair, pianos - guitars & drums, pianos - new & used, pianos - new & used rent to own school band & orestra instruments , private lessons, private lessons sheet music, rent to own band & orchestra instruments , rent to own school band & orchestra instrument , rent to own school band & orchestra instruments , sheet music band instrument repairs and there is a meyer near you. We've been in business since 1967. Your total music store, scherl & hoth, c.g. conn, there is a meyer near you. Open for business m-th 10-8,, fri 10-6, and sat 9-5.


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