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A Guide to Playing the Violin
Many people have a desire to learn to play the violin. What you may not know is that it is really one of the more difficult instruments to learn how to play. It is also very rewarding once you get used to the techniques that you will be using. There are a lot of things that you will need to learn in the beginning, starting with the correct way to hold the instrument. You will also have to... Continue Reading

Kurtz Music & Sound

976 S Airport Road West
Traverse City, MI
Get Directions

(231) 947-3730
(231) 947-0529

Our specialties include clavinovas, disklaviers, experienced, furniture & piano moving, insured, kawai, lessons, music books, music lessons, piano movers, piano moving and storage, pianos, reasonable rates, sales, yamaha and yamaha clavinovas & disklaviers. Insured. Our preferred brands include digital, kawai, yamaha, yamaha & kawai pianos, yamaha clavinovas & disklaviers , yamaha pianos and clavinovas & disklaviers. We can assist you with acoustic, digital, furniture & piano movers, furniture & piano moving, kawai "the world's most advanced piano , kurtz music pianos, lessons, lessons - music books, piano music & moving, reasonable rates, reproducing pianos, sales, service and service & instruction. Experienced, reasonable rates. Open for business open saturdays.


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