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Learning To Play The Clarinet
A Guide to Playing the Clarinet Many people choose the clarinet when they want to learn to play a new musical instrument. It is a woodwind instrument and it is one of the most popular instruments out there. Many people play it in marching bands and other types of bands. One common reason that people choose this instrument is because it is one of the easier instruments to learn to play. It... Continue Reading

Stus Music Shop

723 Baltimore Boulevard
Westminster, MD
Get Directions

(410) 876-7585
(800) 908-7585

Our specialties include bach & yamaha instruments, console, digital pianos, electronic pianos, home piano rentals, instructions, music lessons, new, plan, portable keyboards, purchase, rental-purchase plan, sales, selmer, service, sheet music & books, spinet, studio and grand pianos, used, washburn & yamaha guitars, yamaha & washburn guitars, yamaha clavinona digital pianos , yamaha clavinova, yamaha clavinova digital piano's , yamaha clavinova digital pianos , yamaha digital pianos and young chang pianos. We accept american express, discover, master card, mastercard, rental-purchase plan and visa for payment. Our preferred brands include bach, calvinova, clavinova, clavinova digital pianos, ludwing, selmer, selmer, bach & yamaha instruments , washburn, yamaha, yamaha & washburn guitars, yamaha clavinona digital pianos , yamaha clavinova, yamaha clavinova digital pianos , yamaha digital pianos, young chang, young chang pianos and young-chang pianos. We can assist you with band instruments, digital pianos, home piano rentals, instructions, instrument repair, lessons, ludwig & yamaha drums, portable keyboards, rentals - sales - service, rentals - service - sales, rentals-sales-service, rentals-service-sales, selmer, bach & yamaha instruments , sheet music & books, spinet, console, studio and and grand pianos. We've been in business since 1936. Home of music in carroll county, ludwig & yamha drums. Open for business open mon-fri 9:30am-9:00pm, and sat 9:00am-5:00pm.


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