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From Our Blog:
Learning On A Trumpet
Many people love playing the trumpet, and there are even more people that wish that they knew how to play. When you are considering learning to play, you may want to keep a few things in mind. First of all, you need to learn how to actually make the trumpet produce sound. Once you understand this concept, you will want to learn how to play actual notes on it. You may feel that you already... Continue Reading

Spotlight Music Inc

2925 S College Avenue # 6
Fort Collins, CO
Get Directions

(970) 377-8066
(970) 377-8068

P.a.. Our specialties include amplifiers & tubes, amps, consignments, epiphone, guitars, guitars & basses, ibenez, instant financing available, instant financing available wac , instant financing wac, keyboards, lessons, marshall, mesa boogie, music lessons, ovation, pa, pa systems, paul reed smith, peavey, repairs, seagull and tacoma. We accept instant financing (wac) and instant financing available (wac) for payment. Our preferred brands include alesis, amps - marshall, fender, mesa boogie and more , boss, dean, epiphone, gibson, ibanez, jackson, kenner, korg, line 6, mcnaught, mesa boogie, musicman, ovation, parker, paul reed smith, peavey, seagull, slingerland, swr, tacoma, takamine, tama, ultimate, warwick and zoom. We can assist you with amps, basses, basses, fender, tobias, ibanez & more , books, consignments, drums, excellent customer service, guitar repairs, guitar, bass, & mandolin lessons available , guitars, guitars - unique line of boutique guitars , hours:, jackson, keyboards, lessons, line, many more..., northern colorado's largest independent music store , p.a. and see our coupon. Best prices, we "special order" every day, see our coupon, takamme, mesa bodgie. Open for business mon-fri weekdays,, open saturdays, and open sundays.


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