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A Guide to Playing the Violin
Many people have a desire to learn to play the violin. What you may not know is that it is really one of the more difficult instruments to learn how to play. It is also very rewarding once you get used to the techniques that you will be using. There are a lot of things that you will need to learn in the beginning, starting with the correct way to hold the instrument. You will also have to... Continue Reading

Flesher-Hinton Music CO

3936 Tennyson Street
Denver, CO
Get Directions

(303) 433-8891
(303) 455-7062
(800) 225-8742

Our specialties include amplifiers, authorized repair department, band, band & orchestra, choral, choral music, drums, education aids, guitars, guitars & basses, keyboards, keyboards & synthesizers, popular, recording, rock, same day mail order, school rental specialists, sheet music & music books, software, sound systems, special orders, synths, technology training, vito, vocal, vocal music and yamaha. Wac. We accept american express, discover, financing available wac, mastercard, no down 90 days sac, no down financing available, no down financing available wac , rent to own and visa for payment. Our preferred brands include alvarez, artley, bach, cannonball, cg conn, classic, coda, crate, dean, dod, hartke, ibanez, kenner, king, ludwig, omega, peavey, pro audio gear, rack gear, roland, roth, schilke, selmer, takamine, vito, yamaha and yorkville. We can assist you with 100% of rent applies to instrument purchase , all band instruments, amplifiers, amps, and more, audio & sound reinforcement, authorized repair department, band, band & orchestra, beginning & intermediate rental program , choral, church & school specialists, classic, classical, colorado family owned & operated , competitive prices & personalized support on everything we sell , competitive prices & personalized support on everything we sell huge selection of intermediate & professional instruments , complete service on band, orchestral, percussion & electronic , complete service on band, orchestral, percussion & electronic musical equipment , confused about midi & computer music software? we aren't , digital pianos, drums, education aids, educational aids, educational aids - tapes & cd's , financing available wac, guitars, huge selection of intermediate & professional instruments , keyboards, keyboards & synthesizers, lessons, lessons technology training, lighting, multi- track recording , mail order & special order, mail order & special orders welcome , multi-track recording, music, music & repairs, musical equipment, musical instruments school rental specialists , name brands for less, p.a. system rentals, sales & installation , piano, pop, popular, private lessons, rack gear, rent to own, rent- to- own available on many band, orchestral & combo instruments - 100% app , rent- to- own available on many band, orchestral & combo instruments - 100% applies to purchase , repair, repairs & lessons, rock, sales & expert repairs, sales & service, school & choral music specialists , school music specialists, school music specialists rent to own , school rental specialists, service on all makes including electronics , sheet music & book, sheet music & books, sheet music & books - band, sheet music & books:, sheet music & music books, software, sound systems, sound systems, sales, rental & installation , special orders, synths, tapes, trade-ins, visit our guitar & amp demo room , vocal and weekly service to longmont schools (during the school year). We've been in business since 1951. Largest selection in rocky mtn. area. Open for business mon-sat.


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