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From Our Blog:
Learning To Play The Clarinet
A Guide to Playing the Clarinet Many people choose the clarinet when they want to learn to play a new musical instrument. It is a woodwind instrument and it is one of the most popular instruments out there. Many people play it in marching bands and other types of bands. One common reason that people choose this instrument is because it is one of the easier instruments to learn to play. It... Continue Reading

NOE Valley Music

3914 24th Street # A
San Francisco, CA
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(415) 821-6644
Our preferred brands include blueridge, hohner, kamaka, lanikai, martin, national and takamine. Our specialties include blueridge, custom guitars & basses by roomian , hohner, kamaka, lessons beginning to advanced, lessons beginning to advanced total string repairs , martin, national, roomian, takamine, total string repairs and ukeleles. We can assist you with accessories, books, lessons beginning to advanced, national, roomian and total string repairs. Best place to buy musical equipment, without being treated like a cretin, s.f. bay guardian, custom guitars & basses by roomian, martin, ukeleles.


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