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Many people love playing the trumpet, and there are even more people that wish that they knew how to play. When you are considering learning to play, you may want to keep a few things in mind. First of all, you need to learn how to actually make the trumpet produce sound. Once you understand this concept, you will want to learn how to play actual notes on it. You may feel that you already... Continue Reading

Rock With A Band

2414 Teckla Blvd.
Amarillo, TX
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In these programs we begin with private lessons for the students. In lessons the student learns how to play their instrument or sing! We then take each student and put them with other students of their same skill level, music taste, and age range to form bands. Why we do what we do! We have found just studying music with no cause can sometimes cause lack of interest in a beginner student. With the video game market evolving so quickly, plus all the newest technology, and peer pressure of friends! We feel like music and creativity in school has been put on the back burner! We have multiple parents who tell us about the child’s grades improving, social skills advancing, and creative juices flowing since being in our band programs. To understand more about these testimonies You can hear and see them at www.youtube.com/rockwithaband


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