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From Our Blog:
A Guide To Playing The Drums
If you have ever considered playing the drums, but were just not sure how to get started with it, then you may want to follow this guide. Learning to play the drums is not as easy as it seems, in fact there is a lot of detail that goes into it. It is not just a matter of beating on the drums. You have to play with a rhythm, instead of just senseless beating. If you have natural rhythm, you... Continue Reading

Southwest Music Center

10329 Central Avenue
Oak Lawn, IL
Get Directions

(708) 425-8200
Our preferred brands include kenner. Our specialties include all band instruments, degreed instructors, drums, guitar, highest award winning, piano, recitals and competitions, recitals and competitors, school in i.m.a. competition, school in ima competition, violin, vocal and vocal music. We can assist you with all band instrument, all band instruments, competitions, drums, guitar, piano, recitals and, recitals and competitions, violin and vocal. Highest award winning, school in i.m.a. competition, degreed instructors.


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