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From Our Blog:
Start Playing The Saxophone
The saxophone is a great instrument to learn, and you will soon find that it is really fun. When you are successful at learning to play, you will even find a great sense of accomplishment. There are a few different types of sax instruments for you to choose from. While there are a few different types, it does not really matter which one you choose when you are first getting started. You can... Continue Reading

Piano Central Music Studios

Greenville, SC

(864) 232-5010

Our preferred brands include clavinova, disklavier, kohler & campbell, roland, schimmel, yamaha, yamaha clavinova digital pianos and yamaha pianos. Our specialties include flute, guitar, homeschool classes, kindermusik classes for infants to 7 yrs , piano, viola, violin and voice. We can assist you with featuring sc's largest music education program , homeschool classes, many other brands available, service, tuning, used pianos and yamaha clavinova & roland digital pianos. Service, your key to music, disklavier player, to call our school.


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