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Franco Music Studio in Chicago, IL
Trinity Music Academy in Troy, NC
Charlene Andres in Cincinnati, OH
Castiglione Accordions in Warren, MI
Music Woman in Columbus, OH
Miracle Performing Arts Center in Flemington, NJ
Jazz Piano Instruction in Boston, MA
C & B Music in Oliver Springs, TN
Music Arts Institute in Independence, MO
Jefferey ZS Music in Horsham, PA
ADG Productions in Lawndale, CA
Bass Music in Houston, TX
Christiana's Vocal Studio in Little Rock, AR
Netterwald Piano Studio in Kalamazoo, MI
Music101 Interactive Education in Glendale, CA
From Our Blog:
A Guide To Playing The Drums
If you have ever considered playing the drums, but were just not sure how to get started with it, then you may want to follow this guide. Learning to play the drums is not as easy as it seems, in fact there is a lot of detail that goes into it. It is not just a matter of beating on the drums. You have to play with a rhythm, instead of just senseless beating. If you have natural rhythm, you... Continue Reading

Hayward California Piano Lessons Listings

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Esther S Pefley Piano Instrument
Castro Valley, CA
  Piano Lessons People's Homes
Hayward, CA
Olga's Piano Studio
Castro Valley, CA
Our specialties include instructors, piano rentals, private piano lessons and special programs. W...
  Sam Grobe-Heintz Piano Lessons
Hayward, CA
Our specialties include all ages and levels, classical or jazz emphasis, comfortable home studio...
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