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New Sewell's Music Consrvtry in Washington, DC
Antoinette Perrone Piano Instrument in North Andover, MA
Lessons in Your Home in Dallas, GA
Kay's Music Studio in Sullivan, MO
Dianne Gorman Piano Instructor in Gardiner, ME
Timeline Music in Medford, MA
Elizabeth Hale Knox Vocal in River Forest, IL
Annushka's International Music in Henderson, NV
Don Wilson Music of Louisville in Louisville, KY
Judy Blank Violin Instruction in Ann Arbor, MI
Neil Walters Music School in Brooklyn, NY
Russell Mac Donald Piano in Hanover, MA
USA Music School in Manalapan, NJ
Dragonflyz Music Studio in Poulsbo, WA
Con BRIO School of Music in Kent, WA
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Starting Out With An Electric Guitar
A Guide to Playing an Electric Guitar If you have experience playing the guitar, you may want to consider learning how to play an electric guitar. This is a bit different than the acoustic guitar, but it is a lot of fun learning how to play. It is also a great way to improve your guitar playing skills. You will find that there are many similarities with the acoustic and electric guitars,... Continue Reading

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Farrington's Music - Lessons Only, Hightstown, Princeton Jct, Prnctn JCT
Plainsboro, NJ
Our preferred brands include conn selmer, kenner and peavey. Our specialties include accessories...
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