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Lynda McManus Piano Company in San Ramon, CA
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Marin Music Conservatory in Belvedere Tiburon, CA
Valley Music in Alexandria, MN
Schertz's Musicenter in Bloomington, IL
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Humble Hearts Enterprises Corporation in Littleton, CO
Kate Fuller in Santa Clara, CA
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From Our Blog:
Learn To Play The Flute
Many people want to pick up a new hobby, and playing a musical instrument may be just what you have in mind. When it comes to choosing a musical instrument, you may want to consider the flute. The flute is one of the most popular instruments to play. It has a nice romantic sound. It is also very lightweight and you can carry it around when you go. It is unlike many of the larger instruments... Continue Reading

Three Village Music Shoppe

238 Main Street
East Setauket, NY
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(631) 941-4499
(631) 444-5388

Our specialties include instruments, lessons, rentals and repairs. Our preferred brands include selmer. We can assist you with bought & sold, large selection of sheet music, lessons & rentals, repairs done on premises, used instruments and used instruments bought & sold. Authorized conn-selmer dlr.. Open for business open saturdays.


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