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Stephen Fowler in Yonkers, NY
Piano Studio in Madison, WI
Dave Anderson's Zoo Music in Garland, TX
Scherer Mark & Rita in Independence, MO
Don Sanni's School of Guitar in Nashua, NH
Contois Music & Technology in Essex Junction, VT
Voigt Music Center Inc in Janesville, WI
Mr CS Music Tooters in Clinton Township, MI
Classics To Jazz Piano & Vocal in Detroit, MI
Cheryl Teach Music in Santa Rosa, CA
Red Run Rhapsody Piano Studio in Royal Oak, MI
Music & Arts Center in Oakton, VA
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Fiddlin Frog String Studio in Boise, ID
Music School in Tujunga, CA
From Our Blog:
A Guide To Playing The Drums
If you have ever considered playing the drums, but were just not sure how to get started with it, then you may want to follow this guide. Learning to play the drums is not as easy as it seems, in fact there is a lot of detail that goes into it. It is not just a matter of beating on the drums. You have to play with a rhythm, instead of just senseless beating. If you have natural rhythm, you... Continue Reading

Barcone's Music

528 Broadway
Kingston, NY
Get Directions

(845) 331-6089

Factory authorized repair facility. We accept mastercard and visa for payment. Our preferred brands include benge, conn-selmer, fender, jupiter, king, ludwig, mackie, martin, pearl, roland, sabian, samson, shure and taylor. We can assist you with all major brands, authorized, authorized in - house repair facility , authorized in- house repair facility , band & orchestra instruments, band instruments, complete line of band instruments , finelly crafted string instruments from around the world. , finely crafted string instruments from around the world. , in school music programs, instruction, instruments from around the world. , large selection of used instruments , lesson studios featuring, lessons, music, musical instruments, over 60 years of combined repair experience , rentals, repairs, sales, servicing dealers & schools, specializing in school music programs , superior strings a division of barcone's music and the largest repair facility on premises. We've served residential and commercial customers. We've been in business since 1906. New & used instruments & amps, martin, sales, your professional audio headquarters. Open for business open saturdays.


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