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From Our Blog:
Learn To Play The Flute
Many people want to pick up a new hobby, and playing a musical instrument may be just what you have in mind. When it comes to choosing a musical instrument, you may want to consider the flute. The flute is one of the most popular instruments to play. It has a nice romantic sound. It is also very lightweight and you can carry it around when you go. It is unlike many of the larger instruments... Continue Reading

Amadus Conservatory of Music

Bedford, NY

(914) 234-7280

Our specialties include brass, cello, clarinet, classical, flute, guitar, musical theater & drama, oboe, performing arts, performing arts musical theater camps , piano, play real instruments, popular, rock, rock ensemble, saxophone, strings, summer, suzuki violin, trombone, voice lessons and winds. Our preferred brands include bass, cello and kenner. We can assist you with - voted best new music school 2005- , all instruments & voice, bass, bassoon, broadway shows & musical theater camps , cello, chamber, jazz, rock & orchestra , clarinet, drums, early childhood ages 2- 5 play real instruments , early childhood ages 2- 5 play real instruments! , early childhood classes ages, early childhood classes ages 2- 5 1 8 size instruments , flute, guitar, jazz rock ensemble, keyboard, music and theater for all ages, music theater & dance for all ages , music, dance & theater for all ages! , music, theatre and dance for all ages , musical theater & drama, next to music lessons? call our 24 hr info line 4 things parents should know to choose a music school , oboe, orchestra tour to, orchestra tour to vienna salzburg jazz rock ensemble , piano, piano voice guitar drums strings brass winds , saxophone, summer - performing arts musical theater camps , suzuki violin cello guitar, trombone, trumpet, tuba, viola, violin, voice, piano, guitar, drums, strings winds, brass , voice, piano, guitar, drums, strings, brass , westchester magazine 2005, youth musical theater & acting, suzuki violin and ~voted best new music school 2005~ - westchester magazine. Rye presbyterian church. Open for business 24 hour infoline.


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