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Marras Piano & Music CO in Livonia, MI
Bennetta Heaton Harp Studio in Danville, CA
Glulianos Music Center in Stamford, CT
Kinnaman Piano in Pen Argyl, PA
Brian Christopher Music in New Rochelle, NY
Earl Norris Music Studio in Midland, MI
Hulse Thomas-Piano in Sacramento, CA
Osborne's School Of Music in San Angelo, TX
Studio of Dana Mallory in Raleigh, NC
Hartford Conservatory in Hartford, CT
Charlie's Drum School in Hockessin, DE
National Guitar Summer Wkshp in Litchfield, CT
Music Mart in Albuquerque, NM
Landes Discount Music in Spring, TX
Chicago Music Center in Chicago, IL
From Our Blog:
All About Playing The Trombone
A Guide to Playing the Trombone Many people have found great pleasure in learning to play the trombone. The trombone is one of the wind instruments that is also in the brass family. You blow into the instrument to create the desirable sound that you are looking for. You use a slide to create different pitches of the sound that you are making. It is very similar to a trumpet, but also has a... Continue Reading

Warren Michigan General Music Lessons Listings

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Cyber Music Gear
Warren, MI
Our specialties include band instruments, guitars & basses, lessons & repairs, musical instruments...
  Ellglo Strolling Musicians
Warren, MI
Luvpup Music Service
Warren, MI
Our specialties include all ages, degreed instructors, in your home, over 15 years experience...
  Castiglione Accordions
Warren, MI
Our specialties include button, buy, buy--sell--new--used--repair, buy-sell-new-used-repair...
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