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Claudette Peterson in Oradell, NJ
Loma Linda Girls' Chorus in Loma Linda, CA
Flaherty's Drums & Percussion in Boise, ID
Harrison Trading CO in Bristol, CT
Harmonae Winds in Ventura, CA
Palm Beach Suzuki School in West Palm Beach, FL
Mike Gross Music Instruction in Riverside, CA
Exeter Music LLC in Exeter, NH
S Q Music Violin Training Clss in San Diego, CA
No Strings Guitar Studio in Greenville, SC
Bashara Piano Studio in Woodway, TX
Melody Acres Music in Lake Worth, FL
C A House Music in Parkersburg, WV
The Royal Academy for Music - Worc. in Worcester, MA
Nutmeg Ballet in Torrington, CT
From Our Blog:
Learning To Play The Clarinet
A Guide to Playing the Clarinet Many people choose the clarinet when they want to learn to play a new musical instrument. It is a woodwind instrument and it is one of the most popular instruments out there. Many people play it in marching bands and other types of bands. One common reason that people choose this instrument is because it is one of the easier instruments to learn to play. It... Continue Reading

Irvine California General Music Lessons Listings

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Cello Lessons in OC
Irvine, CA
  G B Pesoro Music
Irvine, CA
Irvine Music Lessons
Irvine, CA
Helping our customers in french and korean. Our specialties include music lessons, beginning musi...
  Nadiri Music Shool
Irvine, CA
Natasha YUFE
Irvine, CA
Calif. state accredited teacher. We can assist you with free auditions - opportunity to perform...
  Pouian Music Conservatory
Irvine, CA
Rose Garden of Persian Music
Irvine, CA
  Scott's Mc Bride Smith Inc
Irvine, CA
We can assist you with doctors of philosophy.
Talent Education Ctr-Suzuki V
Irvine, CA
Our specialties include suzuki violin program.
  Vienna String Institute
Irvine, CA
We accept american express, discover, mastercard and visa for payment. Our preferred brands includ...
Irvine Art & Music
Irvine, CA
Our specialties include affordable rental rates, instrument sales, music & art instruction...
  Orche PIA Music Education
Irvine, CA
Hear & Play Music
Irvine, CA
  Coast Band Music
Irvine, CA
Our specialties include all instruments and vocal, all work guaranteed, amps, band instruments...
Smith Scott PhD
Irvine, CA
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